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We are delighted to introduce the Universal Robots URCap application for our K-DUCER series of electric screwdrivers with torque and angle control! This seamless integration solution will allow any K-DUCER to be plug-and-played into any collaborative robot production environment. 

While it has always been possible to integrate Kolver screwdrivers with UR robots using the Modbus TCP interface or digital I/O, our new URCap application simplifies the process, fully eliminating the need for manual configuration in PolyScope.

Now integrating your K-DUCER screwdriver is as easy as plugging in an Ethernet cable and setting up the IP addresses of the KDU and UR cobot. 


Key features of the URCap application include a dedicated program node that allows you to:

  • Select the desired K-DUCER program (all advanced features are supported, including support for self-tapping screws and prevailing torque monitoring & compensation!);
  • Run the screwdriver in tightening mode or reverse direction;
  • Set the force with which the robot pushes the screwdriver down on the screw during tightening (you can also use the default value, if unsure);
  • Store torque and angle results to any variable of your choice so that the robot application can continue accordingly;
  • Respond intelligently to any error or unexpected result;
  • Maintain Full Industry 4.0 compliance & traceability through the K-DUCER control unit;

Additionally, the URCap application includes a simplified node for reversing the driver into a screw presenter pickup location, facilitating screw engagement using magnetism or vacuum.



Finally our URCap is fully compatible with both the e-series as well as the older CB3 series robots. Got an aging CB3 robot in need of a project? Bring it back to life as an automated screwdriving solution!

Ready to automate your screwdriving operations? Download the URCap plugin here and reach out to Kolver for any questions or assistance with your project. 

Streamline your automation process today with the Universal Robots URCap for K-DUCER torque electric screwdrivers.