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Torque-to-Failure Studies: Why and When to Run Them

In the world of manufacturing and engineering, ensuring the strength and durability of fastened joints is critical. Whether you're working in aerospace, automotive, electronics, or any industry that relies on precision assembly, understanding the performance limits of your fasteners is essential. One of the most reliable ways to assess this is through a torque-to-failure study.

Let’s quickly explore what a torque-to-failure study entails, why it's important, and when it should be performed in the product development and manufacturing process. We will then guide you through running a test using Kolver’s K-DUCER precision fastening system.

What is a Torque-to-Failure Study?

A torque-to-failure study is a type of destructive testing used to determine the maximum torque that a fastener or joint can withstand before failing. Failure could occur in various ways, such as the fastener stripping, shearing, or the joint or material breaking under the applied load.
The goal is to identify the yield point of the fastener, in other words the point at which the fastened connection can no longer maintain its integrity.


The data collected from this test provides valuable insight into the strength of the joint, which can be used to:

  • Ensure the design meets safety and performance standards.
  • Select appropriate fasteners and materials.
  • Prevent over-tightening or under-tightening in real-world applications.

Why Are Torque-to-Failure Studies Important?

Running torque-to-failure studies allows engineers to understand how much stress the joint can handle before it fails. This information is essential for several reasons:

  1. Prevention of Catastrophic Failure: In industries like aerospace or automotive, a single fastener failure can lead to dangerous or costly consequences. Knowing the torque limit helps prevent overloading the fastener in service.
  2. Material Optimization: By understanding the torque limits, engineers can choose the right combination of fastener and component materials to achieve the desired strength and load capacity of the joint.
  3. Improved Assembly Processes: With the knowledge gained from a torque-to-failure study, manufacturers can fine-tune their assembly processes to ensure joints are tightened to the correct specification without over-tightening or under-tightening, both of which can lead to premature failure in the field.
  4. Enhanced Product Longevity: applying the optimal torque will maximize the longevity of the product under its designed loading conditions (including vibration and cyclic loading)

When Should You Run a Torque-to-Failure Study?

Common scenarios when a torque-to-failure study is essential:

1. Product Development and Design

During the product design phase, engineers must ensure that fastened joints can handle the expected loads. A torque-to-failure study helps validate that the joint meets the necessary strength requirements. For example, in the aerospace industry, components are subjected to extreme stress, and a failure in even the smallest joint could lead to catastrophic results. Running these studies early in the development process helps avoid costly redesigns later.

2. Material Selection

When new materials are introduced, torque-to-failure testing is necessary to understand how they perform under load. Different materials have different failure characteristics. For instance, fasteners made of stainless steel behave differently from those made of titanium or composite materials. Torque-to-failure studies help engineers choose materials that not only meet strength requirements but also factor in environmental conditions, weight, and cost.

3. Quality Assurance

Manufacturers routinely run torque-to-failure studies as part of their quality assurance processes to ensure that fasteners and joints maintain consistent performance. Regular testing ensures that the production process is consistent and that no defects are present in the fasteners or components. By identifying torque limits, manufacturers can detect any anomalies before they become larger issues in the field.

4. Safety Compliance

Certain industries, such as construction, aerospace, and automotive, have strict safety regulations that require components to withstand specific loads. Torque-to-failure studies are often used to demonstrate that a fastener or joint meets the required safety standards. Failing to meet these standards could result in severe safety risks, product recalls, or regulatory penalties.

5. Failure Analysis

In cases where fasteners or joints fail unexpectedly during use, a torque-to-failure study can help pinpoint the cause. This can provide critical insights into whether the failure was due to under-specification, material defects, or improper assembly. The data from this analysis can then be used to improve future designs or adjust assembly procedures.


How Kolver can help

For industries where precision and reliability are non-negotiable, running a torque-to-failure study isn't just beneficial—it's essential. Luckily, Kolver can help! Our K-DUCER line of electric screwdrivers with torque and angle control makes running a torque study quick & easy.

In our next article, we will outline how to do this, step by step.