
04 June 2024

Tool calibration 101

Regularly checking and calibrating industrial-grade torque tools is an essential part of quality control for any production line, and vital to maintaining a productive line, high-quality products, and worker safety.
Torque tools need calibration to ensure that they are functioning properly, complying with international regulations and standards, and producing repeatable, accurate results.


28 May 2024

14 May 2024

K-TESTER: now up to 200 Programs

Kolver is excited to announce a significant enhancement to its innovative K-TESTER torque measurer. The K-TESTER now supports up to 200 programs, making it more flexible and adaptable to any and all torque testing and calibration needs.


01 May 2024

Kolver Ergonomics: How We Reduced Vibrations by 51%

Last month, we assisted a client that's part of the German Hatz group, active in the production of diesel engines for agriculture. The client is involved in assembling and disassembling steel parts on gears for lapping, a mechanical process where a metal or ceramic surface is worked to minimize its roughness. The various parts are highly stressed, making assembly an operation that requires maximum precision and attention to detail.


03 April 2024

Common tightening strategies in assembly

In the world of assembly, threaded fasteners are essential components that hold structures and machines together. However, simply installing a fastener is not enough to ensure the integrity and safety of the final product.


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